Kerry Sluchinski 目前任教于阿尔伯塔大学Faculty of Arts。阿尔伯塔大学语言学PhD Candidate。秦老师母语为英语并精通中文日文,是阿省翻译协会成员,合法负责移民留学材料中英翻译和公证,本硕博申请文书二次评估与精改。秦老师对中文和英文文学天赋异禀,对莎士比亚等文学材料的理解是一般教师达不到的。
张老师目前任教于Nait ESL语言班。硕士毕业于美国知名州立大学教英语为第二外语专业,曾任教于天津著名211大学英语专业讲师,教龄长达10年之久。张老师对待教学认真严谨,授课风趣,待人温和,深受学生信赖爱戴,是学生们的人生楷模。
张老师有15年海外留学、工作的经验,雅思口语满分(全国不到10人),美国TOP 30商学院MBA申请成功率高达90%,学员100%收到理想offer。澳洲数学统计学科研究生申请100%收取offer。职场培训、简历修改经验丰富,自2016年起辅导超过数十名学员进行一对一职业培训,学员均成功收到爱城卡城多家资产管理公司,咨询公司,银行,地产公司及信托公司面试及offer。
郎老师留学加拿大6年,阿尔伯塔大学TESOL(教英语为第二语言) 专业硕士。他接受了多元文化教育,深入掌握语言学和英语教育相关研究方法;曾在朗格、环球雅思国内大型机构以及加拿大公立教育系统教授linc英语,有超过3年的的教学经验。 熟悉英语应试教学的流程和技巧,以提高学生真正的英语能力为目标,了解不同学生的需求,乐于积极开发学生潜能,善于因材施教,专注研究英语教学方法。授课体系完整,全局观较强,重点明确,主次分明。知识点讲解清晰,细致。为人开朗爱笑,上课有活力,喜欢与学生互动和交流,课堂气氛活跃。
Louise Liu老师拥有近十年英语教学教研经验悉尼大学教育学硕士 (TESOL)本科毕业于天津大学科技英语专业。持有英语专八等专业资格证书,托福写作满分。Louise老师授课风格生动,极擅长激发学生活力和学习积极性,专注细节,专业素质拔尖,课下对学生的监督教育认真负责,是一名具有爱心和人文关怀的优秀青年教师。
Chris Ye老师本科毕业于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学(UBC)化学专业,UBC化学研究型硕士,负责量子化学的研究工作。拥有专利,专利号为:202010280245X。叶老师负责高中Chem 20/30,及加拿大本科化学/生化等课程的提分辅导。在充分了解学生当前化学知识的认知程度的情况下,根据学生现有的知识水平及课程要求帮助学生适应难度;清除知识误区,快速准确地提高学习效率,构建知识脉络;精选各难度练习题,培养化学学习中最可贵的应变能力。
Clarke Zheng老师本科毕业于加拿大麦克马斯特大学机电专业,gpa4.0(满分)。同时获得ubc、多大、滑铁卢大学电气工程研究生offer。阿尔伯塔大学电气工程研究型硕士,负责机器学习的研究工作。郑老师负责高中数学30-1/31,大学数学及工程的提分教学。授课方式由浅入深,从最基本的底层知识、生活现象入手,跟随易懂逻辑循序渐进。让学生不仅了解了知识和题目本身,更让其了解知识的来源。用最通俗的语言讲解,如抽丝剥茧般的透彻分析问题与知识。并能够为学生建立起知识的网络,做到举一反三。授课以讲典型题、错题、以及梳理知识为主。以高效率著称,而非上课进行大量的习题训练。
Dr. Yang UAlberta 统计与人工智能博士,在读期间发表三篇论文,研究领域为Reinforcement learning,Deep Learning 在金融和生物医学领域的应用。和UA 医学院以及 Alberta School of Business的教授有过多个项目合作,参加过Russ Greiner,Nilanjan Ray,Rich Sutton等学术大牛的讨论班,对机器学习,数据科学,统计,金融数学,生物统计等方面结合人工智能的研究有深入了解。本身申请过金融工程,数据科学方向的研究生项目申请,对申请套磁,申请文书润色,简历修改,学术背景提升等方面有深入研究。
I believe that we should not only help our students to improve their English, but also prepare them to understand, live and work in this complex, multi-cultured and rapidly changing Canadian society. To achieve these goals,we continue to push the boundaries of learning and teaching designed to meet our students' growing needs as they prepare for the next steps of their lives. At the same time, we engage and motivate students to embrace learning in creative and innovative ways. We strive to offer each student a unique way to learn because we understand that each student has his/her learning style. We are working diligently to help students get ready to face any challenge. Please feel free to contact us with any concerns, comments or questions. Open communications between parents, students and us are strongly encouraged to have effective work.
English teaching and research have been an integral part of my career for more than a decade. My BA in English Education and MA in English from Xi’an International Studies University, Xi’an, China have prepared me for teaching and guiding students of various levels from Grade 4 to post-secondary and adult learning. My MEd (thesis) in Educational Policy Studies from University of Alberta deepened my understanding of cultural and social issues in Canada, providing me with unique perspectives on Social Studies and texts commonly covered in ELA 10-30. I’m currently working on a Ph.D. in Education with a sociological approach, where my research and undergraduate teaching continue to benefit my holistic understanding and practice of teaching.
I started my career as a language instructor in 2010. Over the years, I have worked in universities in U.S., China, and Canada. At Raven Consulting, I mostly teach IELTS, high school English, and other individualized courses. As a researcher in Language Education, I can apply my strong theoretical knowledge in language development to every learner's challenges.
My engineering background allowed me to analyze IELTS questions as an engineer, extract the framework of passages and the exact answers to questions based on structural links, and summarize the underlying techniques which are simple but useful. I believe that enhanced reading skills are essential for students in both language exams and their academic life.
My exchanges with students allow me to experience how they conceptualize writing and theory. I prompt them to share their ideas with an emphasis on content and structure. In all my feedback, I make it clear that writing is best understood as a process with the goal of communicating and expressing ideas. Thus, I teach students applicable writing techniques and how to find and incorporate appropriate secondary sources. I also encourage my international students by emphasizing that perfect grammar, in the formal sense, is often not the goal of communication, but that the conveying of unique ideas and connections in an effective and coherent manner is (an aspect of functional grammar).
I enjoy working with students to improve their language performance and witness learners' successes of achieving their life goals. With my background in TESOL, I believe with appropriate guidance and practice language can be a huge facilitator for everyone.
Working as an English instructor in North America and China provides me an open mind to fulfill students' needs of improving their English language ability in various domains. Through my bachelor's degree in linguistics, my enthusiasm for language greatly increased as linguistics led me to amazing adventures. Having learned different ways to interpret syntax, I have acquired a systematic understanding of English grammar, which gives me another perspective in English teaching. Later on with my study and research in TESOL at master’s level, I combined the theories in Second Language Acquisition with my classroom teaching practice, from which I have been equipped with knowledge and techniques to facilitate my students to learn English from functional, interactional and sociocultural perspectives.